

Suggested by: Elite ()
Please add a way to make automatic expeditions

notriv ()

What doesn't work....

Yatech ()

For me also didnt work :(

Viereck ()

habt ihr discord?

notriv ()

What does that even mean "doesn't work" ?

diabel45 ()

ye for me also doeant works...

TidusIsOP ()

This doesn't work for me

RIPragnar ()

Isn't there a way to collect military shipment CDR automatically?

breller ()

I'm interested in using this script and how to set it. Please contact me at [email protected]

Ogamer100 ()

Discord server?

Ogamer100 ()

Wo finde ich das Expo Script?

nobokto ()

But it could be implemented to standard bot.

nobokto ()

Check scripts available for bot. There is one for expeditions, working very good. :)

freez ()

Yest ! its important !

HowlingAbyss ()

Plenty of scripts including free ones which already does this and you can tailor it to suit your needs, worth checking out on Discord.