
The brain plugin take care of evolving your planets.
Each planets can be configured individually.
Three modes are available AI/Queue/None.

If you decide to pick the buildings by yourself, you should go to the Empire tab, select a planet, pick a building, and press “Add to queue”.


When AI is selected, the brain plugin will use our algorithm to evolve your planet automatically.
It basically: - build what you inserted in the queue if there is anything. - otherwise, build the cheapest mine available. - if the energy become negative, it will build solar plant (or other energy producers according to your settings) - if you don’t have enough storage, it will build more storage.

For moons: - If only one field is available, it will build a Lunar Base. - Build Robotic Factory up to level 8. - Build Jump Gate if available (up to level 1). - Otherwise, build Sensor Phalanx up to level 6.


When queue is selected, the brain plugin will build what you inserted in the planet queue.


When none is selected, the brain will just ignore this planet.


If a planet/moon is tagged as importer, it will import resources from exporters, to build the next goal more rapidly.


If a planet/moon is tagged as exporter, it will make it’s resources available to other planets.

Export within same galaxy only

If enabled, the bot will only import resources from exporters that are in the same galaxy.

Prevent importing if come back during sleep time

If enabled, the bot will prevent importing resources if the cargo fleet was to come back during the sleep time.

Delay after exporting resources

Seconds to wait before continuing brain logic after a successful resource export.

AI configs

Max metal mine level to build

In AI mode, the bot will build metal mine up this level.

Max crystal mine level to build

In AI mode, the bot will build crystal mine up this level.

Max deut synth level to build

In AI mode, the bot will build deuterium synthesizer up this level.

Max solar plant level to build

In AI mode, the bot will build solar plant, when energy becomes negative, up this level.

Build fusion reactor up to

If enabled, the bot will build fusion reactor up to the selected level, once the solar plant are done.

Build solar satellites

If enabled, the bot will keep the energy positive, by building solar satellites, once the solar plants/fusion reactors are build.